Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie - The safest Detox in Pregnancy


Are you ready? THIS is THE BEST smoothie EVER! We drink this smoothie if not daily, then at least 3 times per week, in our household. And guess what? My 15 month old has been drinking it since he was 6 months old! ALL HAIL this smoothie, that gently detoxifies the liver, thyroid and organs of heavy metals such as Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and Copper. It is also the ONLY detox that is safe in pregnancy, or that I at least feel comfortable prescribing to my patients.

Here’s why.

The combination of the “5 essential ingredients” in this smoothie are necessarily to BIND to the heavy metals in the liver, thyroid and other organs, hold onto them so that they don’t pass into your bloodstream (and therefore through the placenta) and don’t release them until they are eliminated through your bowels or urine. Pretty neat huh?

Toxic heavy metals are everywhere. They are present in the foods we eat, water we drink, skincare and cleaning products, even our cookware! Think about pesticides alone. This is why we want to be sure that ALL of the ingredients in this smoothie are 100% ORGANIC. I can’t stress that enough…ORGANIC! We don’t want to defeat the purpose right? As a result, most of us are carrying around heavy metals that have been with us for almost our whole lives and which have burrowed deep inside our tissues and passed down from our parents and our grandparents (yikes). But this also means that we are passing on our toxins and heavy metals to our own children in the womb. These toxins have been linked to ADD/ADHD, Autism, Diabetes and even Childhood Leukemia.

It is these “old” heavy metals buried deep in our tissues that are the most difficult to remove and pose the biggest threat to our health. They oxidize over time and this leads to inflammation and disease. Systems affected by these heavy metals include the brain, liver, hormonal system, digestive systems, and nervous system. This leaves us in an incredibly vulnerable state to viruses and bacteria (simply because our immune systems are affected but also because these metals feed these pathogens). Heavy metals can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the system they affect including memory loss, “brain fog”, fatigue, depression, infertility, acne, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast overgrowth, nutrient deficiencies and even weight issues (just to name a few).

It's virtually impossible to avoid heavy metals completely in this modern world, so we have to do what we can to minimize our bodies threat. Adding the following “5 essential ingredients” to your daily ritual will go a long way toward ridding your body of heavy metals: 

The 5 Essential Ingredients

Hawaiin Spirulina: Spirulina is a blue-green algae superfood. It helps draw out heavy metals from the brain, central nervous system, and liver, and soaks up heavy metals extracted by barley grass juice extract powder.

Barley Grass Juice Extract: BGJE prepares the mercury for complete absorption by the spirulina. It specifically draws heavy metals out of your spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, thyroid, and reproductive system. 

Cilantro: Cilantro is amazing for getting deep into the tissues and pulling out toxic heavy metals (such as Mercury) that could have been passed down to you from your mother and grandparents.

Wild blueberries: When heavy metals are removed from the brain, the oxidation of the metals can create gaps or holes. Medical Medium Anthony Williams says that Wild blueberries are excellent for drawing out heavy metals from the brain tissue, healing and repairing these gaps at the same time (reversing the oxidative damage created by heavy metal removal) —> ie. amazing for Alzheimers, Dementia and Autism. Note: only WILD blueberries can draw out heavy metals. Luckily, most frozen blueberries are wild.

Atlantic Dulse: Dulse is a seaweed that binds to Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Copper, Cadmium and Nickel. Atlantic dulse goes into deep, hidden places of the digestive tract and gut, seeking out mercury, binding to it, and never releasing it until it leaves the body through the bowels or urinary tract. Note: Atlantic dulse is the type you want to buy here to get the effects.

Drink this smoothie daily for optimal benefits :)

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

2 bananas
1 cup wild blueberries 
1 small handful cilantro 
2 cups coconut water or dairy-free milk of choice
1 tsp barley grass juice extract (Brand recommended: Vimergy)
1 tsp spirulina (Brand recommended: Gandalf)
2 tbsp Atlantic dulse flakes (Brand recommended: Maine Coast)

Optional: Honey or maple syrup to taste

In a high speed blender, blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!