The Importance of Mitochondria for Egg Quality

The Importance of Mitochondria for Egg Quality

Mitochondrial health is essential for egg quality and female fertility. When supporting mitochondrial health, we can improve fertility rates and the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Wild and Crazy Blueberries

When I was a little girl, I remember vividly spending hours out in the sun with my grandparents picking wild blueberries in the forests up north. The day would be filled with picking, eating, laughing and horsing around (with my cousins), and end with hulling home a huge basket of beautiful, delicious blueberries. My mom would make us home-made blueberry pie, we would add blueberries to our morning oatmeal, and freeze blueberries for later. The beauty of WILD blueberries is that you don’t have to trek out to the bush in order to get them…most supermarkets carry frozen wild blueberries (win!).

It wasn’t until recently I discovered the powerful properties of wild blueberries and how adding them to your daily diet can reap massive benefits on your overall health.

So why WILD over FARMED blueberries?

Wild blueberries have something called “elevated biotics” on them. This is the most natural form of probiotics and supersede any probiotic on the market. Elevated biotics bypass the HCl and bile in your digestive tract and make their way all the way to the end of your intestines. They have amazing rejuvenating powers and will reside in your GUT for years doing their amazing work. In the ileum (at the end of your intestinal tract), the elevated biotics will help to produce vitamin B12 and if you are supplementing with B12, they will help to activate it and make it more effective (amazing!). Additional benefits to your digestive tract influde warding off Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Candida, acid reflux and so much more.

Wild Blueberries and Heavy Metals

The beauty of wild blueberries is they actually contain phytochemicals that literally pull heavy metals out of the brain and liver. This is enhanced even more when combined with the other 4 ingredients I suggest in my post on the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie! Check that one out!

Antioxidant power

Antioxidants in wild blueberries help stop harmful oxidation (the process of your cells breaking down and dying off from toxins, ageing, and pathogens that release neurotoxins (into the brain) and dermatoxins (into the skin)). Wild blueberries are SUPER high in these amazing antioxidants which help restore cell damage and remove these dying cells.

So? Drink a smoothie with wild blueberries in them daily, go blueberry picking with your grandmother, or buy a basket from the side of the road. GET. THEM. IN. and hey, its a bonus that they taste so yummy!